Saturday, September 09, 2006

How does One Prioritize Chaos?

Isn’t that an excellent title for a blog entry? Here’s how I came up with it…
I’m in therapy, I’m in chaos, I started asking this question of myself and a few others.

I was taught some time ago that therapy operates in a circular pattern, overlapping itself in its (hopefully) forward movement. I’ve also learned, for myself at least, that I probably will never be ‘cured’ in the classical sense but that doesn’t preclude healing. It does mean that I get to learn how to progressively become more functional with my dysfunction, possibly to the point where at least of few of the symptoms or behaviours don’t appear to exist anymore. I hope that I’m learning how to strengthen my weaknesses and not be as demanding of my strengths and/or learn how to utilize them better so that I can live and feel better.

But DAMN if it isn’t two-steps-forward-one-step-back-chachacha, step-to-the-side-chachacha, swing-your-hips-chachacha, wave-your-arms-chachacha, change-the-meds-chachacha... you get the idea.

And you know what also drives me crazy(-er)??? That half of the healing is revealing, and the other half is dealing.

Oh sure, you’d think that’s a simple straightforward concept and it is, in theory. In PRACTICE it’s a freakin’ mess. Always “more will be revealed”, always “another layer of the onion”, always another approach to consider, and none of these things happen without time invested.

Just realized that simply writing these sentences exhausted me.
Time to invest some of that time into a nap.