Friday, September 15, 2006

Okay now, *Whose* Screws are Loose?

Recently, I found out about and watched an internet documentary called Loose Change… or that’s the name of the guys’ website that are looking to initiate an investigation into the events of 9/11, I’m not sure right now.

Either way if you are reading this you probably know what I’m talking about because there is a blog on this very site called ScrewLooseChange that purports to debunk the questions raised by the docu-net-ary.

So if you are reading this you may find yourself a little confused because ScrewLooseChange uses the same blog layout I do, and you might have thought you were at the right place, but now I’m talking about that blog as if I’m not that blog, because I’m not, yet Google probably listed this blog entry when you did a search because it’s on the same blog site that I’m on, and looks the same, but it’s not the same, and Google zeroed in on the words ScrewLooseChange so included my site as an option. But you’re not where you probably wanted to be, so you probably want to search Blogger for where you do want to be, or you’re welcome to hang out here until you get the strength to continue your search.

Now that we got that ironed out…

I posit this question to all and sundry, those who argue that there HAS to be a conspiracy and those that argue that is RIDICUOLOUS.

Do you really believe that your government has your best interest at heart?

We had shaky ‘evidence’ (none actually) and started a war with it. We PICKED that fight based on suppositions. We’re gambling with our nation’s future financially, and using our citizens’ lives as poker chips but in the light of the ‘evidence’ we thought we had, and turns out we didn’t, that was okay.

Yet the guy that every one pretty much agrees is the one responsible for what happened on Tuesday, September 11th, 2001, has now pretty much become a no-name. He’s a tall, skinny Middle Eastern guy who’s dependant on dialysis, but the people who could be relied upon to provide us with the reasons for going to war are the same people who now claim that “the trail has gone cold” and can’t find this guy even though he’s the one we’re ‘really’ going after, the one ‘really’ responsible for those acts of terrorism.

In the meantime…
Evidence, as in surveillance footage that disappears, news footage from several sources that was seen live and can be reviewed now, eyewitness/victims’ reports as well as a variety of interesting overlaps is all just a bunch of crap. That stuff is only coincidence and can’t possibly be taken seriously.

Look folks, here’s the thing; those of us who believe in conspiracy theories get to play in the Ripley World. Because it’s still only theoretical, we can get passionate about believing it while subconsciously expecting, maybe hoping, to get proved wrong.  I do not think anyone REALLY wants to find out that threats we can imagine are realities we’re living in at any level. Not necessarily because a threat is so scary, as much as that what’s involved in facing and dealing with it is so overwhelming.

Yet those of us who claim to live in the “real world” have a tendency to forget that the real world really is twisted, and would rather maintain blind faith in things that instead need to be seriously examined. So-called ‘debunking’ begins from the position that the other side is already at best wrong and at average, nutty.  How much faith can one have in ‘evidence’ that is presented only to prove it’s own validity? I mean, isn’t that the primary argument that ‘debunkers’ make about their rivals? That they only see the things they want to see to make their points?

How about this for a start: if we can imagine it, it can be done.

But saying something doesn’t make it so any more than ignoring something makes it go away. I strongly suspect that reality has to be dealt with as it is, not as how we’d like it to be, especially regarding our nature and behaviour as human beings.

For me that means that yup, we as individuals and as groups are capable of ANYTHING. Which means we need to be earnestly open to possibilities WHILE we pursue being rigorously clear on facts. Otherwise we could find ourselves doing things we don’t want to do for reasons that aren’t clear to us.
Uh, never mind.